2024 Communicator Awards

Astriata was named a winner in the 29th Annual Communicator Awards of the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts.

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29th Annual Communicator Awards Logo

2023 Communicator Awards

Astriata was named a winner in the 29th Annual Communicator Awards of the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts.

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Six Steps to Help Associations Generate More Revenue

Six Steps to Help Associations Generate More Revenue

How can associations generate more sales and revenue? Start with these six essential steps.

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March 2023 Lightbox

Newsletter March 2023

In our March issue of LightBox, we share illuminating ideas about lessons learned over the last year, plus our top-five blog posts on our favorite topics: design, usability, and technology.

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Flat illustration of a human and a chatbot having a text conversation on a mobile device

How AI Chatbots Can Potentially Change User Engagement

Script-based and rule-based chatbots didn’t deliver what they promised. What about the new AI-powered chatbots?

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Newsletter February 2023

In our February issue of LightBox, we share illuminating ideas about new developments in artificial intelligence.

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Illustration of a human painter next to a robot painter

Our Experiment with the AI Image Generator DALL-E 2

Can the new AI-based image generator help you create visual content? Find out what we learned when we put it to the test.

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Illustration of a robot head with lines leading to different types of content pieces

Can ChatGPT Help You Generate Content?

Generating high-quality content takes a tremendous amount of time. How can ChatGPT help?

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Illustration of a digital sunrise over a digital landscape with geometric clouds

A New Frontier in Artificial Intelligence

The future has arrived, or has it? It’s the new frontier in artificial intelligence, and in our latest blog post, we break down what it means.

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Newsletter January 2023

Find checklists on GA4 and accessibility; tips on usability, design, and technology; and more—all in our January issue of LightBox.

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Getting to Know GA4: A Glossary of Terms

With the year 2023 practically upon us, now is the time to learn and explore GA4—starting with our glossary of must-know terms.

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A Preliminary Checklist for Website Accessibility Compliance

How accessible is your website? Our accessibility checklist walks you through the steps of creating a user-friendly site for all users.

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Newsletter December 2022

In our December issue of LightBox, find out why the little things add up to be a big thing when it comes to UX web design.

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Use Your Site Search to Boost Usability

Today’s users expect more from your site search. What do you need to know to create a user-friendly search experience?

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Illustration of a person looking through a looking glass while steering a ship wheel connected to a computer displaying a compass

An FAQ on Navigation and Usability

What are the most common mistakes in website navigation? What navigation works best on mobile? Here, we answer your questions about navigation and usability.

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Illustration of person hitting head in frustration while observing an error message jumping off a computer screen

7 Must-Do Tips for UX-Friendly Error Messages

Human error is inevitable, but there are right and wrong ways to handle error messages. Here, we share 7 ways to make them effective.

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Lightbox November 2022

Newsletter November 2022

Don’t miss our November issue of LightBox, beaming with information about the latest in marketing psychology, usability, design, and technology.

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Screenshot of the landing page of the NLM Dream Anatomy Exhibition Website

Astriata Creates a Responsive Web Design to Make Virtual Exhibits More Viewer-Centered and Interactive for the National Library of Medicine

The virtual exhibit, Dream Anatomy, is designed to encourage viewers to explore the historical collection of anatomical imagery and follow their own instincts and interests through a navigation that allows for a non-linear experience.

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illustration of a man and a woman pushing two puzzle piece together forming an upward-pointing arrow

How Usability and Marketing Intertwine

Some marketers think of usability as a separate field. But what makes usability a core part of marketing and marketing a core part of usability?

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Illustration of a man jumping from the old Universal Analytics logo to the new Google Analytics 4 logo

Onward and Upward: Making the Transition From Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4

With Google sunsetting its Universal Analytics, users must soon start migrating to its new version, GA4. Learn about GA4, why and how to upgrade, and more in this guide.

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illustration of a man thinking while surrounded by question marks and clouds

Why Choice Overload Can Hurt Marketing and Usability

Too much choice can turn users away. Ironically, too little choice can do the same. Here, we break down the paradox of choice and tell you how it affects your marketing and UX efforts.

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illustration of people catching hearts, thumbs, and video play icons flowing out of a large mobile phone

Social Proof: How to Use It to Engage Users

As humans, we’re wired to sometimes conform and follow in the footsteps of others. How can you use that to your advantage across your organization’s digital assets?

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Logo for the LMA Conference

Astriata CEO, Aline Lin to Speak on Inclusion in Website Usability at LMA Conference

Having a statement about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) on your website is no longer enough. Don’t miss Aline Lin at the LMA Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference.

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Newsletter October 2022

In our October LightBox, find an illuminating refresher on UX terms, insight on FoMO marketing (the ethical way), and tips on usability, design, and technology.

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Astriata Round Table

Technology, Data, Capacity, and Hiring: Leaders from Nonprofits and Associations Weigh In

At Astriata’s latest Executive Roundtable, marketing leaders from across the region share insights on the looming recession, nonprofit capacity issues, and technology and data challenges.

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Understand the Psychology and Ethics of FoMO Marketing

Understand the Psychology and Ethics of FoMO Marketing

FoMO marketing works, but is it ethical? Here, find tips for using it in ways that maintain and even enhance your organization’s integrity.

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A Cheat Sheet of 20 Usability Terms

A Cheat Sheet of 20 Usability Terms

Refresh your usability knowledge with our cheat sheet of 20 key UX terms, broken down and explained in clear language.

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Lessons from the Pandemic, Tips for Prioritizing

Lessons from the Pandemic, Tips for Prioritizing

Catch highlights from our Marketing Executive Roundtable, where leaders in the marketing industry talk shop and share ideas.

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Newsletter August 2022

In our August newsletter, we share illuminating ideas on why sometimes less is more in web design, plus tips and must-read (and watch) recommendations on usability and technology—all in this issue of LightBox.

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Psychology, Design, and Usability: An Animation Series

Psychology, Design, and Usability: An Animation Series

From progressive disclosure to the serial positioning effect and Cowan’s theory, principles rooted in psychology can make a difference in your website’s usability. These six short animations explain how.

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Astriata Recognized by Clutch as a Leading 2022 Web Design Company in Maryland

We’ve been named as a top B2B company! Clutch’s 2022 research says that Astriata is among the leading UX designers in Maryland.

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Newsletter July 2022

In our July newsletter, we share illuminating ideas on why investing in UX pays off, how to calculate your UX maturity score, and more—all in this issue of LightBox.

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4 Steps to Calculating the Return on Your UX Investment

Use these four steps to calculate the ROI of your UX/UI project—and get stakeholders on board, as you take your marketing to new levels.

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5 Reasons to Invest in UX

Investing in UX design may feel like an added expense, but here, we share five reasons not to put UX on hold.

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Illustration of a person walking down a road toward a computer monitor with a gps location icon floating overhead

An Assessment on Your Path to UX Maturity: Where Do You Stand?

How do you stack up on the path to UX maturity? Is your UX plan altogether absent or coming along nicely? Take our quick assessment to discover your UX maturity score.

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Lightbox June 2022

Newsletter June 2022

Explore and contemplate the ethical implications of UX research, data collection, and artificial intelligence—all in the June issue of LightBox.

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Artificial Intelligence, Personalization, and Ethics: What You Need to Know

Artificial intelligence and data gathering capabilities make personalization in marketing possible. But what are the ethical implications?

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Tips from Our Webinar with Lifespan and Berger HR Solutions

In today’s competitive marketplace, how can you attract and entice talented job seekers to join your team? Here, we share four strategies from a recent webinar.

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Why You Need a UX Partner with Strong Research Ethics

When searching for and vetting a UX partner, don’t overlook a key component of results-oriented usability testing: research ethics. Here, we tell you what to look for.

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Why Data Ethics Are Key to User Engagement

As rules and regulations for data collection continue to shift, what does the ethical use of data look like and mean?

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Lightbox May 2022

Newsletter May 2022

In the May issue of LightBox, we share illuminating ideas on how to build engagement with features like multi-sensory design, data visualization, and artificial intelligence.

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Use Artificial Intelligence to Build Relationships and Strengthen the User Experience

With marketing automation and other artificial intelligence tools, you can build and nurture relationships tailored to your user’s unique needs.

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Data Visualization Illustration

Make Data Visualization Engaging and Compelling for Users

Effective data visualization involves more than clarity. Learn the secrets of visualizing data in compelling, engaging ways.

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Multi-sensory web design

Why Multi-Sensory Web Design Can Improve the User Experience

How can lessons from sensory memory lead to a better, more engaging website design? We share strategies and tips.

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How to Keep Your Company’s Data Safe

As data breaches increase, and hackers work to find vulnerabilities, how can you protect your assets and systems? Here, find tips from our executive leadership roundtable.

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Thumbnail for April 2022 Lightbox Newsletter featuring a father and son using a touchscreen laptop

Newsletter April 2022

In the April issue of LightBox, we share illuminating ideas on how DEI can inform and improve your web design and user experience.

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A flat colorful illustration of diverse silhouettes, overlapping and looking in both directions

Understand the Relationship Between DEI and Website Usability

How can DEI strengthen your website usability? Aline Lin, Astriata’s CEO and creative director, shares strategies from a recent talk.

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An illustration of an ethnically diverse group of individuals looking at a laptop and a tablet.

Don’t Let Your Own Biases Derail Your Website Design

How can you get beyond your own biases to create a website that truly works for users? Start with four essential tips.

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Illustration of 4 diverse individuals pointing to different parts of a website on a computer monitor

How DEI Can Strengthen User Experience

How can DEI principles lead to stronger, more effective user research–and a stronger, more inclusive user experience? Our latest post shares four ways.

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Lightbox - Astriata Newsletter

Newsletter March 2022

In the March issue of LightBox, we share illuminating ideas on how psychology can inform and improve your web design and user experience.

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A graphic of a brain with data points extending to the side

Five Lessons from Cognitive Science to Boost Website Usability

Most of us are overloaded with information. How can cognitive science help your website become part of the solution?

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Maslow's hierarchy of needs

How Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Inspires Our Approach to Web Design

How can Maslow’s hierarchy of needs help our work in human-centered web design? In many ways, it turns out.

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Graphic of a brain filled with artistic elements protruding from a computer screen

Don’t Overlook Psychology in Your Web Design

How can psychology make or break your web design, and what three psychological principles can help you create an effective user experience?

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Two employees looking at a site on tablet device

Newsletter February 2022

Don’t miss our debut monthly newsletter, LightBox, full of illuminating tips on optimizing your website, boosting your SEO, managing remote or hybrid teams – and more.

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Employee retention

Employee Retention: Why Your Website Matters

Too often, employees get overlooked as users of your website. How can you optimize your website to engage and retain top talent on your team?

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Attract top talent

Optimize Your Website to Attract Top Talent

Today’s pandemic-fueled hiring market makes it tough for organizations to attract the employees they need. How can your website help?

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Attract new partners

3 Ways Professional Organizations Can Use Their Website to Attract New Partners and Sponsors

Your website is one of your most powerful marketing tools. Associations can leverage their website by following these tips.

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Geothermal Energy Thumbnail

Astriata Wins a Prestigious w3 Award from the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts

Astriata's animation helps Geothermal Technologies tell their story of an innovative approach to limitless clean renewable energy.

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6 tips for managing remote or hybrid teams

6 Tips for Managing Remote or Hybrid Teams

Want to improve how you manage your remote or hybrid team? Consider these 6 tips from our executive leadership roundtable.

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4 Ways to tell if your UX is hurting your recruitment

Professional Organizations: How to Tell If a Poor Website Experience Is Hurting Your Recruitment Efforts

With the current mass resignation, here are four ways to tell if your website is contributing to your professional organization’s recruitment woes.

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5 benefits of a headless CMS

5 Benefits of a Headless CMS

Do you have multiple platforms to integrate, need scalability, and security? Learn more about why a headless CMS could be the right direction for you.

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6 Tips for recruiting Gen Z

Alliances: Here are 6 Tips for Driving Gen-Z Recruitment

Attracting new and younger members is the lifeline of your organization. Find out what makes a difference in engaging Gen Z.

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3 ways to promote member engagement

3 Ways Professional Organizations Can Drive Member Engagement Through a Better User Experience

Online member engagement is a critical factor for the success of any professional organization. Find ways to connect with your members.

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Person at the computer thinking about website usability testing

4 Ways to Test Your Site’s User Experience

Ready to improve your UX? These four simple usability tests can give you actionable steps to polish your user experience.

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Public Policy Partners Logo

Public Policy Partners Reveals New Brand Identity

Learn how symbolism in a logo communicates a lot about our client!

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Expert Engagement: Top Questions for Robyn Elliott of Public Policy Partners

Top Questions for Robyn Elliott of Public Policy Partners

Public Policy Partners is rolling out a new brand and logo. This quick interview offers a behind-the-scenes look at how the rebrand is helping the organization communicate its mission.

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Progressive JPG

How Progressive Images Can Improve Your UX

Core Web Vitals, which is Google’s way to quantify your user experience, includes how fast your website loads. Progressive JPEGs are one way to optimize the size of your image file and can improve your UX and help your Web Vitals score.

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How iPaaS Helps Integrate Systems

Integrating with third-party systems can amp up the power and reach of your website. But if those integrations aren’t reliable or smooth, your EX and UX can suffer.

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Headless CMS

What is a Headless CMS?

Headless CMS talk has been around for a while, and it’s not going anywhere. Take a look at what the Astriata team thinks about the pros and cons of this technology trend.

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Sitefinity DX 14.0 - is it worth the hype?

Sitefinity DX 14…Is It Worth the Hype?

Have you heard the buzz about Sitefinity DX 14? See what our team is saying about this new release and how it might help your business.

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Archerpoint logo surrounded by branding elements

ArcherPoint Reveals New Look

How do you communicate a new brand and message? Take a look to see how usability testing helped this company launch a rebrand.

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The Communicator Awards

2021 Communicator Awards

Astriata wins big at the annual Communicator Awards!

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Astriata ranked as a top 30 digital agency

Astriata Ranked as a Top 30 Digital Agency

Astriata has been recognized as a top digital agency in Maryland.

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Expert Engagement: Top Questions We Get About Animations and Illustrations

Top Questions We Get About Animations and Illustrations

More and more, clients are asking if we can incorporate meaningful illustrations and animations into their websites. Are you wondering the same thing? Read this quick interview with our expert and see if it helps you decide.

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Usability Heuristics

Count to Ten for a Great UX

Follow these 10 principles for user interface design to create a foundation for a good user experience.

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Web Vitals 101

Core Web Vitals 101

LCP and CLS and EAT and YMYL….what?!?! Your user experience is about to get a lot more important to your bottom line. Our SEO expert, Marcus Sandford, breaks it all down and explains exactly what you need to know and what you need to do to maximize your UX.

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Digital Health Award Winner 2021

2021 Digital Health Awards

Astriata’s video about mosquito-borne diseases wins prestigious Digital Health Award.

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Who's looking at your UX? Google is.

Who’s looking at your UX? Google is.

Google is rolling out some changes that mean your UX matters more than ever.

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Writing a Winning RFP

How to Write a Winning RFP

Did you know there’s a trick to getting your Request For Proposals right? In this blog post, we draw on years of experience to give you best-practices tips for writing the most effective RFP.

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Top Five Tips for Associations in a Post-COVID World

Top Five Tips for Associations in a Post-COVID World

Jodi McGill, Senior Project Manager at Astriata, shares some insights she's learned from association clients as they adapt to a new future.

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The Communicator Awards

2021 Communicator Awards

Astriata brings home its 21st Communicator Award just in time for its 20th year in business!

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