Lightbox: illuminating ideas by Astriata
Woman Using Computer

insider insights

User Engagement

Multi-sensory Web Design

Why Multi-Sensory Web Design Can Improve the User Experience

How can lessons from sensory memory lead to a better, more engaging website design? We share strategies and tips.

Data Visualization

Make Data Visualization Engaging and Compelling for Users

Effective data visualization involves more than clarity. Learn the secrets of visualizing data in compelling, engaging ways.

Artificial Intelligence

Use Artificial Intelligence to Build Relationships and Strengthen the User Experience

With marketing automation and other artificial intelligence tools, you can build and nurture relationships tailored to your user’s unique needs.

the trifecta


Some of us may remember trying to keep gif image files small by limiting the colors we used online. These days, we take it for granted that we can stream movies over our devices. Websites have large and rich images, sound, and video to grab our attention. But don’t forget there are many who still don’t have access to broadband. According to Pew, 21 million Americans lack access to broadband. Consider your audience, and do your best not to leave anyone out.


Striking photography can do so much for a website, especially large photographs that span the background of an entire page. But how large is that file you’re using? And will some of your audience become frustrated by how long it takes to load? Here’s one of many free tools out there that will help you compress your files further than applications like Adobe Photoshop. Try TinyPNG for images or Handbrake for video files.


The power of data is in the story it tells, whether you’re informing people about COVID hospitalization rates in your local area or simply sharing matters of interest on your own website. While data-gathering technology can be used for a good cause, unfortunately, it can also be misused. In fact, 79% of Americans are concerned over how their data is being used. Be transparent by letting your users know what data you’re collecting and how you are using it.

mental memo from Aline

May is one of my favorite months of the year. The air feels warm, flowers bloom in vibrant bursts of color, and scents of lilac fill the air. As our senses are stimulated, we immerse ourselves in the moment. Imagine trying to bring that into your online experience!

This month, we start to scratch the surface of ways to engage people online, exploring topics like multi-sensory digital experiences, data visualization, and the use of artificial intelligence. I hope you enjoy our articles, and please know that we’d love to hear what you’re doing to enhance engagement on your website.

In the meantime, if you missed it, last month we covered the importance of diversity and inclusion in website design.

Enjoy, stay well — and when it comes to usability, design, and technology, stay intentional.

Aline, Astriata CEO & Creative Director

project focus

In place of our highlighted client project, I’d like to share something more personal in recognition and celebration of Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) heritage month—and in response to a recent essay by my teenage son, in which he shares his story of overcoming shame related to the Asian half of his identity. So, keep an eye out on my social media this month for stories and facts illuminating the contributions that people of APIDA descent have made to the rich history and culture of our home, the United States.

cerebral matters

Curated resources that bring light to intriguing topics.

Earlier I alluded to the ethics of AI and data collection. As we look to make experiences more engaging and personalized, here are some resources to peruse as you think about your organization now and in the future.

Google AI
Find open source machine learning platforms and tools, along with free datasets, designed to make information accessible to people everywhere.

The Role of Design Ethics in UX
Watch an enlightening video on design ethics by usability expert Jakob Nielsen, Ph.D., who serves as principal of the Neilsen Norman Group (NN/g).

Ethical Maturity in User Research
Take an assessment of the current state of your ethical maturity in user research, using a set of questions and grading scale developed by NN/g.

resources to remember

“5 Digital Trends to Focus on in 2022”

Download our guide – and discover how to improve member experience and drive recruitment in your alliance or professional organization. 

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