insider insights
unpacking the new AI
A New Frontier in Artificial Intelligence
The future has arrived, or has it? It’s the new frontier in artificial intelligence, and in our latest blog post, we break down what it means.
Can ChatGPT Help You Generate Content?
Generating high-quality content takes a tremendous amount of time. How can ChatGPT help?
Our Experiment with the AI Image Generator DALL-E 2
Can the new AI-based image generator help you create visual content? Find out what we learned when we put it to the test.
the trifecta
The current standard for website accessibility is the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Guidelines, version 2.1, Level AA. Take note that version 2.2 is set to be published in April 2023. If you want us to notify you by email when our handy checklist of changes to address with 2.2 is available (and when other checklists are available), let us know where to send it.
AI is showing up in your most common design applications, including Adobe Photoshop. With the AI built into Photoshop, you can save time by using the Object Selection Tool to mask objects and Content-Aware Fill (instead of the clone tool) to extend your background. You can even quickly remove artifacts from old photos with the Photo Restoration Neural Filter. Give these tools a try!
Know your terms! Artificial intelligence (AI) is a broad term that refers to computers performing tasks associated with intelligent human beings. Machine learning is a subset of AI that uses data and patterns to improve the experience. Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that tries to emulate the way humans learn through experience. Got that straight? Ready for your test?
mental memo from Aline
There’s been a lot of talk and curiosity around artificial intelligence (AI) lately, especially surrounding ChatGPT and DALL-E2. As a result, we decided to take a look to see what the new developments may mean for our clients and our team at Astriata. We share our insights in this issue of LightBox—and will continue to share in February, so keep an eye out!
Meanwhile, we hope you enjoy this issue. We also hope you stay well — and when it comes to usability, design, and technology, stay intentional.
cerebral matters
Curated resources that bring light to intriguing topics.
Did a Fourth Grader Write This? Or the New Chatbot?
Can you decipher between AI and human written answers to an essay prompt? Try this challenge!
Photoshop Is Making It Easier to Quickly Edit and Collaborate on Projects
See how AI is making your work in Photoshop more efficient.
Best AI (Artificial Intelligence) Podcasts of 2022
Eager to literally hear more about AI? Here’s a list of podcasts about AI from which to choose.