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Working from Home (And Not Losing Your Mind)

Working From Home Surviving WFH Status
By Julie Kennon   |   March 26, 2020

Astriata is open…but we’re all working from our homes. We can safely say the majority of you are doing the same, and we know that it’s not easy for a lot of people.

We’re lucky in that our normal work environment is really flexible. Most of us have kids, and there are days one or another of us just can’t come to the office. Therefore, we regularly have Zoom meetings and conference calls and we IM each other on Google Hangouts. Working from home isn’t hard for us, but being quarantined (with the aforementioned kids) can be a different story.

So how do we get our work done, take care of our families, take care of ourselves, and not lose our minds? Almost without exception, we’re taking a lot of walks and drinking a lot of wine! And we will get to how those two things can help, but let’s first look at some of the risks we might face.

What do experts cite as some challenges of this forced work-from-home status?

Okay, so what can you do about it?

We’re all looking for things to keep us happy, healthy, and sane while we work from home. And don’t worry about the occasional dog barking during a conference call or toddler tantrum interrupting a meeting…we really are all in this together.

We're here for you.