Top Questions for Robyn Elliott of Public Policy Partners

By Julie Kennon | November 3, 2021
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Do people really notice your logo? Can your brand wordlessly communicate your values? Robyn Elliott, a partner at Public Policy Partners, thinks so.

“What were the objectives of the rebrand project?”
Our firm is not the typical lobbying firm. We develop and manage cutting-edge policy campaigns and have achieved many first-in-the-nation legislative victories. Our old logo conveyed that our firm was traditional and that our work was static. We wanted to rebrand and convey that we are change agents in supporting our clients as they’re reshaping the fabric of public policy.

“How does PPP’s new brand communicate the work you do with nonprofits?”
The logo communicates connectedness – the three Ps in a circle are connected with each other and their community, and it’s not a static connection. There is energy that reflects our commitment to mission-driven non-profits and their communities.

“What elements of the brand and logo resonate with your target audiences?”
Our audiences have responded to how the new logo demonstrates movement and change – just like our work in the policy world. The three Ps are not static – they are working together to move forward. And the shift from colors – from solid, traditional red to a fresher orange to red palette – is fresh and conveys our firm is evolving.
We hadn’t redesigned our website in about 10 years. We really needed a more up-to-date and interactive format and it made perfect sense to redesign our logo at the same time. That’s when we reached out to Astriata, and we’re very excited about the results!
“Have you received feedback from your members on the new brand and logo?”
The positive response has been striking. Clients have commented on the energy that the logo and new look convey. Their response demonstrates how much people really do notice a logo; it’s your visual identity and is as important as determining the name of your company.

“How did PPP help clients pivot in the face of a pandemic?”
Our firm supports clients in advocating for policy change. With the pandemic, the world changed more rapidly than anyone could have expected. This meant that our clients needed policy changes to happen at a faster pace. We helped clients to advance policy priorities, such as telehealth, more rapidly than could have happened pre-pandemic.
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