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An Assessment on Your Path to UX Maturity:Where Do You Stand?

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Digital marketers everywhere talk about the user experience (UX), yet misconceptions abound.

For many, UX design is a one-and-done step in web development. For others, it takes a back seat to the many new and flashy technologies on the market. While new technologies are exciting and core to digital marketing, they should never drive design and development.

Technology, instead, should serve and enhance the part of your digital assets that will ultimately make a difference in your engagement levels and bottom line. What is this magical ingredient?

It’s the human side of your digital assets and website: the user experience.

Our team at Astriata considers the user experience (UX) a process, not a destination. It’s something you continually strive to improve as your business and user needs change. We’ve created this handy assessment to help you evaluate where you are on your path to UX maturity. It will help you understand the current state of your UX program and identify areas where you may need to focus more attention.

The Bottom-Line Impact of UX Maturity

UX is an essential component of any successful digital initiative and directly impacts the profitability of your project investments. Studies have found, in fact, that every $1 invested in UX returns $100 to the business.

Need more proof of the value of UX? Consider these brand-centric UX success stories:

Bank of America saw a 45% increase in online banking registration after a UX redesign.
Wal-Mart’s web traffic increased more than 200% after their UX redesign.
AirBnB’s founder, Joe Gebbia, attributes their $30 billion growth to its investment in UX.
Hubspot saw a 300% improvement in its conversion rate after a UX project.

Embracing a UX-centric project approach is a journey. It doesn’t happen overnight. Continue on to take our assessment to see where you stand on your path to UX maturity.

The Six Stages of UX Maturity

Several models exist that you can use to map your organization’s UX maturity, but this one from the Nielsen Norman Group ranks at the top in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.

Regardless of your UX expertise and integration, your business or organization falls somewhere within this model—and gives you a great starting point for your UX journey.

Infographic showing the six stages of UX maturity

Chart adapted from Nielsen Norman Group

In our experience, most organizations fall within the Emergent and Structured stages of the UX maturity cycle. Our assessment is designed to help you determine your specific stage.

Determine Your UX Maturity Score Now

Mark each of the below statements that apply to your organization:

UX Maturity Analysis
Mark each of the below statements that apply to your organization:
Strongly Disagreee
Strongly Agree
My organization has a foundational understanding of common UX methodologies and tests.
My organization has specific UX goals.
My organization has a roadmap for achieving these goals.
My organization has adequate staffing to achieve our UX goals.
My organization has invested an adequate budget to achieve our UX goals.
My organizational leadership is supportive of our UX work.
UX is viewed as a critical component of our process.
My organization has a plan in place to improve its UX processes over the next several years.
My organization has a formalized structure for promoting/growing UX employees in their careers.
UX is a consistent presence across all of our projects.
UX feedback has a direct impact on a finished project.

Ready to improve your UX experience with an experienced partner? Astriata has proven experience helping brands and organizations elevate their UX maturation. Contact us today.